Monday, November 17, 2008

Yan's Baby Eliza's Mandi Berlawat

Hellew all... for starters... i have not updated me blog bcoz i was not in tip top shape... lets just say i broke under the pressure just a bit... Now i'm slowly getting back on my feet so yeah this will be a long week. Actually last week i wanted to upload some videos but it took freaking long and i did not know what to do. Oh yes something really funny happened when i was taking some files at work. I was at another section and i was taking my files back. Since i'm so used to all the ppl in that section, they tell me things and they joke around with me. Today it so happened that one of them, a guy; decided to confide in me after he went to the toilet. He started to untuck his shirt, not that i was noticing and then he started telling me how his pants got a lil bit ripped while he was in the toilet.... hahahahahah i found it a bit "TMI" and i was like ok i dun need to know. Any you know what... he continues on and tells me the exact location of where his pants ripped and how it happened... hahahaha... crazy yeah.... Now back to my pics, you will see the moo family... hehehehh

Here is Mummy moo getting ready

Baby Moo being handled by my sis

Mummy Moo posing for me

That's Baby Moo's Grandma

That's Daddy Moo giving ppl a drop of perfume

My sisters; L-R: Katherine & Kathleen

A whole lot of family pictures with Moo Family

Baby Moo being pestered by Mummy Moo

Ppl taking pictures with Baby Moo... Well Baby Moo has grown since the last time i saw her and i still can't tell who she looks like. heheheheh Hope you enjoyed the pics... i'll try to upload some videos today yet again.

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